Introduction Last updated: October 24 2022

Welcome to Logixsaas, an online cloud based logistic application which helps you manage your organization’s order fulfillment with ease. This page will guide you through the process of creating an account, setting up your organization and also get you acquainted with the app.

New Signup:

If you’re new to Logixsaas, you’ll need to first sign up for our free 10-day trial period during which you can test out our product and use all the features included in the Professional plan of Logixsaas. You can upgrade to any of the paid plans during or after the trial period.

To sign up for Logixsaas:

Go to Website

Click the Free Trial button in the top right corner of the page.

Fill the form then click next

Choose a subdomain

Set up your organization details.

When you sign up for Logixsaas, you’ll be redirected to a page. Click go to app and you will be redirected to the organization details page where you’ll need to enter basic information about your business.


The Dashboard is the home page and it’s the first thing you’ll see when you log into your Logixsaas account. It gives you a clear picture of your company’s sales and stock summary i.e., the sales orders you have generated so far, top selling items, stock purchased from your vendor for the selected period and more.

Users & Roles

Bring in your workforce, delegate tasks, analyze and ensure that your objectives are met. Logixsaas being an online application, allows multiple users to access it from any location.
You as the admin, can do the following operations with Users.

Predefined User Roles
Users can access the modules based on their role. The following predefined roles are currently available:
  • Super Admin: has unrestricted access to all the modules.
  • As for other roles, you can create your own user roles by defining access levels & permissions within Logixsaas.

    Creating User Roles

    To create a custom user role,

    • Click on the User&Roles from the side menu.
    • Go to User Roles.
    • Then click Add role
    • Enter role name
    • Select permissions
    • Finaly save

    Assign permision to roles

    Adding Users
    To add new users:

    To create a custom user,

    • Click on the User&Roles from the side menu.
    • Go to User.
    • Then click New user
    • Enter user details
    • Select a role
    • Finaly save


    Under the company module, the Company profile module will allow you to maintain and update your company information.

    Company Profile
    • Click on the Company the top side bar.
    • Then company.
    • To edit the company details, click on the pencil on the top right coner of the card.
    • To edit the company logo, hover you cursor over the circular avatar, then click the image icon, then update the logo
    APIs connection:

    You can connect you application to different apis

    To connect:

    • On the company card, click API connection.
    • You will see different APIs to connect to
    Google Sheets

    You will need to generate a credential.json file ...


    You will need to generate a credential.json file ...


    You will need to generate a credential.json file ...

    SMS Api


    You will need to generate a credential.json file ...

    Africas Talking

    You will need to generate a credential.json file ...


    The Settings page is where you customize Logixsaas to match your business requirements. Here, you can add more information or update the existing information of your organization. To access Settings, click the settings.

    Custom view:

    This is where you customize how you want you orders displayed.

    Create a custom view
    • Click Create Custom
    • You will be redirected to a new page
    • Enter a name for the view
    • Define the criteria. This is where you define the filters. (e.g if you only want someone to only view delivered orders you can define the criteria as, `When` `Delivery status` `is` `Delivered`)
    • You can add more criterias.
    • Then drag and drop the columns you want displayed from Available Columns to Selected Columns
    • Then save
    • After you save, you can now select the filter from the order page

    This is where you setup your warehouse

    • Go to Settings>Warehouse
    • You can view, Create or edit the warehouse


    This is where you setup your riders

    • Go to Settings>Rider
    • You can view, Create or edit the Riders

    This is where you setup your custom order status

    • Go to Settings>Rider
    • You can view, Create or edit the Status


  • Go to Services>Services
  • This is where you define the services you offer, define the charges and define when the charges should be applied.

  • Go to Services>Zones
  • This are the zones/cities where you do you fulfillment. You can define as many zones as you want and make one to be the default zone.


    Automation allows you to create a set of rules for modules of Logixsaas based on which appropriate actions would be performed. A good example would be the case where an e-mail/sms is sent automatically to the customer when a Sales Order is scheduled.

    Setting up a new email template

    Go to Automation>Email template

    Click Add mail template

    Fill the form

    Create a template from the Editor and save

    Setting up a new sms template

    Go to Automation>SMS template

    Click Add mail template

    Fill the form

    Create a template from the textarea and save


    Go to Automation>Automation

    • Click Create Automate
    • You will be redirected to a new page
    • Enter the name and choose the module
    • Choose when the action will be performed from the radio boxes
    • Define the criteria. This is where you define the filters. (e.g if you only want someone to only view delivered orders you can define the criteria as, `When` `Delivery status` `is` `Scheduled`)
    • You can add more criterias.
    • Choose the action to be performed when the criterias are met
    • Then save



    As a business or a freelancer, you’ll have a lot of customers to buy products or services from you. As customers are important to any business, it is essential to save their contact information to create transactions quickly and do business efficiently in the long term. The Customers/Vendors module in Logixsaas is where you save the details of your customers and vendors. You can save the details of your customers such as name, email address, phone numbers, billing and shipping addresses, website information and other details in this module. Apart from saving your customer’s information, you can send emails, view customer statements, and create sales transactions for the customer in the contact details page itself. In this document, we’ll learn more about how to make the most of this module.

    Creating a Vendor

    There are multiple ways in which you can add new vendors in Logixsaas:

    1. Create a single Vendor from the Vendors Module
    • Click Vendors on the side bar
    • Click New Vendor
    • Fill the vendor details
    • You can select the services that you offer that vendor and save
    2. Upload Vendors from the Vendors Module with an excel file
    • Click Vendors on the side bar
    • Click Upload button
    • Click the download icon ( ) to download the excel file
    • Enter the vendors details on the excel file and upload it

    Sale Orders

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    Sale Orders

    You can create from this options

    1. Create one order
    • Click +New Order
    • You will be redirected to a new page
    • Enter order details and save
    2. Upload orders using a csv/xlsx file
    • Click Import orders from Excel
    • Download the template from the download icon ( )
    • Select a vendor and warehouse and click next
    • Confirm the order details and import
    3. Upload orders from Googlesheets
    • Click Import orders from Googlesheets
    • Select a vendor, warehouse and the dates between which you want to import orders
    • Enter the sheet name and then worksheet and click next
    • Confirm the order details and import
    4. Import orders from a connected Woocommerce site
    • Click Import orders from Woocommerce
    • Select a vendor, warehouse and the dates between which you want to import orders and click next
    • Confirm the order details and import
    5. Import orders from a connected Shopify site
    • Click Import orders from Shopify
    • Select a vendor, warehouse and the dates between which you want to import orders and click next
    • Confirm the order details and import

    Managing your Sales Orders

    Now that you know how to create sales orders, lets now focus on managing and getting the best out of your sales orders.

    Status of a Sales Order

    A Sales Order status indicates the stage of progress and the current condition of the order.

    You can update the sale orders status by scrolling the sale order table to the right.You will see the buttons which you can hover over and see what the button does

    • Click to edit the order
    • Click to update order status
    • Click to see order details
    • Click to download the waybill
    • Click to delete the order

    Order details

    You can click the icon to see the order details

    You will see order update history, invoices and charges.

    Order Dispatch


    You can scan and dispatch orders from this module.

    How it works


    Zone from: where the percel is being dispatched from

    Zone to: where the percel is being sent to

    Rider: The rider/driver to deliver the percel

    You can scan/enter order numbers one by one or input many order numbers separated by a comma or a new line. Finaly click Dispatch button

    Update Delivery & Returns

    You can scan and dispatch orders from this module.

    How it works


    Status: Choose delivered or Returned

    You can scan/enter order numbers one by one or input many order numbers separated by a comma or a new line. Finaly click update button